Imperfectly Purposed

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6 Things Blocking You from Your Purpose

There's that thing you really want to do but just can’t seem to find or have the ________ for. (Time, money, energy, resources experience, all of the above.) Pick what fits from the list to fill in the blank.

Do you have great ideas but when it comes to shifting those ideas into actions, you freeze?

Do you begin a plan only to get midway through and stop for some reason or another? 

Do you create a routine of doing what you do well, instead of doing what you should do?

Do you over-plan and under-execute?

If this sounds like you and your struggle, read on.

I have discovered 6 common things that are probably the reason you still haven't done that 'thing' yet.

Reason #1. Previous mistakes and mishaps. So the last time you tried, it didn't go well. It blew up in your face. You lost money, no one showed, technical difficulties, you name it, it happened. So now you are more careful (careful is the code word for nothing) so you don't repeat that experience.

Coach says NEWSFLASH! You are going to make a ton, and I mean a TON of mistakes, mishaps, and bad decisions on this journey. The only way to avoid a mistake is to do nothing (which is what you are doing now). Stop nursing your ego and start feeding your dream. It took Edison 10,000 attempts to create a lightbulb. Analyze what you would do differently this time, embrace the lesson, AND MOVE FORWARD.

Reason #2. The false illusion of Perfection. You over-plan, prepare, and miss your small window of opportunity. You suffer from Analysis Paralysis. Timing is so critical. You miss your opportunity, planning for your opportunity. The irony, huh?

Coach says: Planning is necessary and preparation yields results. That is an immutable fact. I am telling you that when you do these things without action, you get stuck. Sometimes you have to build the plane as you push it down the runway. The goal is continual improvement and progress, not perfection. MOVE FORWARD!

Reason #3. What ifs? Rejection doesn't feel good. To differentiate yourself from everyone else doing what you do, you have to think outside of the box and do things your way. But the road less traveled is a risky and vulnerable journey. Fear jumps in your head and says, what if no one likes your thing? What if no one buys it?

Coach says Negative What ifs will keep you stuck. Start combatting those thoughts with positive What ifs. What if they love it? What if everyone buys it and this is your breakthrough? Everything you need to be successful is inside of you. So if you believe in your 'thing' and the desire to do it is in your heart, then just do it. The right people will either support it or give you the feedback you need to improve. Rejection is great feedback if you can hear the lesson in it. You either win or learn. There is no loss when you embrace the lesson.

Reason #4. You are focusing on too many things simultaneously. You want to build up your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tik Tok followers, launch a new product or service, update your website, produce a webinar, manage your blog, add new content and then bam you become overwhelmed and exhausted with the million unfinished things.

Coach says: Focus on one thing and perfect that. Work on that one thing that will be the foundation of your brand. You already have to do it all, so realize you can not do it all at once.

Reason #5. You get comfortable doing what you can do, instead of what you are called to do. You like to write, so you blog, but avoid making videos. You like Facebook but never explore other social media platforms. Curious, how's that working for you?

Coach says: As an entrepreneur, you have to understand you will have to wear multiple hats. You can't always do the parts you enjoy or are confident in. You will have to leave your comfort zone. No, it won't always be perfect (see Reason #2 again if you still don't get that perfect doesn't exist), but you will perfect it by doing it.

Reason #6. Money. I have a tight budget and can't afford ________. (To produce the product, invest in professional assistance, invest in a conference, etc.) I'll have to wait until my cash flow improves, or I get more clients or tax time.

Coach says: We focus on solutions only. Are you willing to sacrifice to make this thing happen? How motivated are you? What is one lifestyle change you can make? I'm not asking for drastic measures. Identify some temporary things you can adjust to make it happen. Give up Starbucks and make coffee at home. Smoke fewer cigarettes. Cook dinner more to avoid eating out. Focus on solving the problem rather than letting the problem stop your momentum. Obstacles are for overcoming, they are not stop signs.

I could make this list even longer, but it all boils down to this; your lack of forward movement comes from fear. YES, I SAID FEAR. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of not being enough.

You are enough,

have enough,

and know enough,

to take the next step in your journey.

You can do this. It might be hard, but you can do hard. Now go do your thing!